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Crystal Palace Restaurant head chef is from Crystal Palace Hotel Tianjin's head chef, another chef from Beijing Jianguomen Hotel master chef. Both of them have over 20 years experience in professional chefs, cooking over the selection of dishes. Crystal Palace Hotel Tianjin flagship flavor, covering Beijing, Shandong, Huaiyang Cuisine. The hotel has bright and spacious hall, which can accommodate 70 people for dinner and two 12 person dining table, friends and family, ideal for business gatherings.

Crystal Palace Restaurant supply over 150 kinds of styles Chinese food, including specialties, head side dish, seafood, subsection, meat, soups, casseroles, seasonal vegetables and tofu, the staple food, snacks, paragraph, another section, and work combos. including: braised round hoof, Lotus glutinous rice steamed lobster, Tianjin buns, braised loin, shrimp Benedict gluten. Hometown flavor, hometown feeling.

Crystal Palace Restaurant fitting for family gathering for business, and there are two selected luxury packages for 10 persons. For more information, please call or walk-in the restaurant.



Phone:  604-437-8813
Address: 4735 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, BC



We're open 11am-10pm

Mon, Wed-Sun.

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